The Folk Craft Revival podcast is back!!!!

If you can’t tell, I’m excited! I’ve really missed putting together this podcast — chatting with guests and getting to know some individuals involved in heritage skills and retaining and reviving the knowledge that was once fairly common. Hopefully you’ve missed it as much as I have! While I’m looking forward to where things are going moving forward I also wanted to give a little bit of an explanation into why I shut the podcast down for the last year.

….. that took about 3 minutes and then you get to put up with me rambling and updating ya’ll with some of the projects I’ve been up to in the last couple months. 🙂

Shoot me an email if you know of anyone who would be interesting to talk with so we can keep this thing going strong!

Mentioned In This Episode:

  • Mortise & Tenon — Particularly two books: Joined, & Worked both by Joshua Klein. I mention how M&T’s work has transformed my approach to woodworking.
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