Monthly Favorites:

I just finished reading The Winter Wilderness Companion by Garrett and Alexandra Conover, it’s one that is for sure going on the suggested reading list! It’s a fascinating book about traditional winter travel on foot in the far north. They are snowshoeing guides with decades of experience in the boreal forest who take extended excursions on a frequent basis (the book often mentions things like “the time we were on a 5 week walk across Ontario” or “we found during our 400 mile walk around Maine…”). Coincidentally enough, for extended winter travel (vs recreational weekend experiences) they tend to recommend traditional gear in place of high end modern outdoor gear. Ie, traditional woven babiche snowshoes, buckskin and wool footwear, and homemade canvas wall tents. They find it performs better, lasts longer, and is easier to repair if something happens.  This is the only book I’ve ever seen plans for making your own wall tent in…..Something you will undoubtedly see as a future project on this site! If you live in a northern clime and are interested in winter living, working, and recreation (and  have a bent for traditional skills) you’ll find this book fascinating. I highly recommend reading it!

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